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BES Rehab Ltd has acquired rights to manufacture the Millie-Mova – a unique, easy to use, and safe manual handling system designed to help a carer safely move an elderly or disabled person while seated in a chair. Millie-Mova attaches to the base of any chair and has a spring mechanism that allows the carer to glide a chair from one place to another with an occupant, without risking possible injuries to their back, shoulder, knees, or hips while moving the person.
Unlike other solutions to the problem of moving elderly or disabled people whilst safely seated, a chair fitted with a Millie-Mova retains high stability, and incorporates an automatic brake, when unoccupied. This means that a person unsteady on their feet can lean on the chair without it sliding away from them, which otherwise could lead to a fall.
Users love the Millie-Mova, and this is what Gavin Wright, Moving and Handling Consultant has to say, “I honestly cannot praise this item enough. I believe it to be the single best invention for assisting with the safe handling of people since the hoist.”
Millie-Mova was designed by Henry Clayton, Director of Jenry Ltd to solve a problem he saw in a nursing home. Henry was visiting his mother, and noticed that a carer was trying to push a resident in his chair up to a table. He then saw the carer put her hand to her back because of the strain. With the aim to find a solution to this problem, Henry invented the Millie-Mova to protect the backs of carers in similar situations around the world.
Barend ter Haar, Managing Director, BES Rehab Ltd said, “BES is delighted to have the rights to manufacture and distribute the Millie-Mova through our wider marketing and distribution channels, thereby bringing a simple but effective solution to a wider customer base.”
The Millie-Mova is so easy to use, that even a child can push a chair with an adult in it. See a video by clicking here.